Why Wait For Someone Else To Do Spectacular Stuff For You???

Why Wait For Someone Else To Do Spectacular Stuff For You??? September is my Birthday month, so my favourite. Expressing exaggeratedly, I would say that I sense something mystical in the air. OH MY GOSH! I always giggle after uttering these words. With every year that goes by, my excitement to make my day a special one is steeply escalating! Some people find me crazy, others adore my quirks. Anyway, everyone has the right to flaunt their own outlook on life. Some just come to trample Mother Earth and others to explore possibilities in their limited lifespan. And I am amongst the ones who believe in celebrating these possibilities! What else, I'm a believer in real connections. If that's missing, nothing's more important to me. Even while celebrating special occasions, I prefer authenticity in all the things, deeds and relationships. Otherwise, it's better to be on your own than in the fake company. Seriously, I adore candour. I'm often told I'm...