Every Voice Matters!
1. Campaigns against animal cruelty
2. Animals, just a means to appease unwanted needs
No doubt, the world has advanced at an alarming pace, still animals like oxen, horses, donkeys, mules, and so on are dragged for mobility purposes. Nobody cares for their cuts and bruises, nobody supplies them food on time. Their condition is worse than bonded labourers. Most of the people just consider animals a source of appeasing their needs, whether finance, fashion, farming or food related.
3. Horrible endings
Social media remains replete with Newsfeed related to horrendous tortures against animals. How calves are separated from their mothers on the very first day after birth just to be slaughtered, how chickens are dumped into grinding machines to bump up food factories, how even crocodiles are not spared from the evil eye of the fashion industry. I have seen trapped animals crying, screaming and feeling helpless, but no one listens to their heart-rendering voices, their painful shrieks, their weeping souls.
4. Recent cruelty scene
Lately, I have heard the news about a stray dog who was shot dead by a merciless youth in the district Patiala of Punjab, northwestern India. What crime that dog had committed? Nobody knows. Because neither he asked for food nor he barked at passers-by. He was just sleeping dead to the world unaware of the approaching dreadful death. Whatever the probable reason is, I know one thing, neither animals nor humans deserve such a tragic and pointless end. Though on the side of justice that person is arrested, it really gives food for thought, where our youngsters are heading towards with so many psychotic actions in mind. This man is severely condemned for his heinous crime on social media and by animal welfare activists too. By the same token, there are innumerable despicable happenings in this day and age. The pathetic condition of these innocent creatures who are either in cages or are homeless, puts the screws to us about pertinent questions for animal safety in the future. Therefore, compassionately try your best to save these innocent critters, if you can. Because every being is here on the earth for a specific purpose, just let them live theirs.
5. Every voice matters!
Don't you think it's a gruesome act to inflict excruciating pain on animals and birds as well? Don't you think they deserve happy lives? Don't you think humans are shedding the colour of humanity? Don't you think this cruelty should be ended? And don't you think every voice matters? If you nod in supporting to eradicate this evil deed, then raise your voice right now for the well-being of animals. I personally feel that they are more humane than us.
So save the animals, save nature and ultimately, save the environment! And one of the monumental effort in this direction would be going Vegan and use of cruelty-free products or brands. Think about it.
- Jasmeet Kaur
Your precious views will be appreciated in the comments section below. And don't forget to share the pictures of your adorable fur babies. Catch you soon with my next write up.
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