" Exchanging Pleasantries"
Employees: Good Morning, Ma'am! (standing up to receive)
Boss: Good Morning, everyone! Please take your seats. I hope you won't release your frustration about being dominated at home here during the meeting. (cheerfully)
Employees: Hahaha (a most cordial laugh)
Boss: Well, let's begin with today's presentation.
The initial dialog is an example of 'Pleasantry'. Yesterday, while absorbing a few fresh expressions and phrases via Google, I encountered this beautiful word 'Pleasantry'. I always claim to have an extensive vocabulary, however, after bumping into this word, I felt that I was really missing a term that undoubtedly plays a significant role in our routine meetings. Moreover, I do want to acknowledge the role of only a two-letter suffix '-ry' to take the word 'pleasant' to a new domain, and to show me the likelihood of finding more on that term. As a matter of fact, before that, the word 'Pleasant' was the one I liked a lot, but as soon as I stumbled upon the term 'Pleasantry', I found it an interesting piece to ponder over. Therefore, let's take a peek at the term 'Pleasantry' to gauge the value of its unidentified presence in a good conversation and in what situations it is must or must not to include it in the chit chat.
1. Interpreting 'Pleasantry'
A pleasantry is a sort of polite and a humorous remark before being engaged in a formal converse. Greetings can also fit into this category. In simple language, I would say it may be a mild conversation starter before a formal or serious discussion, that helps others unwind and gently puts them in a relaxing mode. It's like offering somebody a beverage to stimulate their energy and interest, before getting down to the business. Kind of like announcing hilarious and slightly mellow instructions before taking off on a serious business trip. Furthermore, I have tried to render a few instances to get a better understanding of the term.
2. Prior to facing the interview.
This is a fairly common phenomenon, no matter how confident someone is, becomes anxious, or feels nervous before an interview, and that's awfully natural to them. But how to cope with all the negative emotions and repression. Simply put, I would say that if the interviewer is good enough to handle such situations, he would certainly prefer to begin with routine questions such as:
-How are you doing?
-How was your journey?
- Would you like to have a glass of water?
The latter is probably the rarest and it can be eliminated, if we ignore extreme weather conditions like torrid heat and so forth. I reckon, these simple chat initiators rightly function as anxiety dissolvants and are agreeably called pleasantries.
3. Ahead of the business meeting
The sharing of pleasantries likes:
- "Is everything all right at your place?"
- "All is well with you?"
Or " a snappy wisecrack " by the boss right before a business meeting creates a convivial environment, makes employees feel comfortable, encourages employees to voice their opinions openly, and provides the boss and employees an opportunity to understand one another. So in the long run, through better employer-employee relationships, productivity could increase as well.
4. Before commencing a formal lecture in a school or college
It is rightfully said that, pleasant teachers outspread pleasantness. They are well- equipped with teaching skills. Early in a lecture, they love to begin with the pleasantries such as:
- "I hope you guys are doing well."
-"Thanks for being damn patient". - “Congratulations, dear X, on bringing kudos to the Crown of the institution.”
-"How was your day yesterday?"
They do all this just to set the mood and tone for the upcoming lecture and engage students in the next task.
They do all this just to set the mood and tone for the upcoming lecture and engage students in the next task.
5. While travelling
In certain cases, such as travel, the exchange of pleasantries with cab drivers or autorickshaw drivers may turn into a disaster. Moreover, speaking amicably with strangers can also get you into trouble. Hence, it is not always suggested to have a light conversation with unfamiliar persons or who are merely acquaintances. In circumstances, where it is right to show gallantry, some innocent people share bon mot to land themselves in hot water. Even in formal situations, which I have just mentioned above, there should be limits set for jest, otherwise you may face disrespect, and the work environment may also be spoilt.
I would wind up with the words that the pleasantries are always welcome to begin work with a startling ease, to make the environment cheerful, to illuminate the faces with a wide smile, to get the hang of the sitch and draw attention. But in particular situations, it is always good to be yourself and less entertaining to avoid undue problems and harassment because, unknowingly, you may reveal some personal information to the strangers. Thus, my suggestion is to act and react wisely. And always pay heed to, what to say, when to say it, where to say it, and how to say it.
May you master the art of pleasantry!
- Jasmeet Kaur
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